NBC’s Jan Wahl takes on The Whip
Hi Whip fans! We’ve got some exciting news!
San Francisco television (KRON/NBC) film critic and historian Jan Wahl has invited Karen Kondazian, author of The Whip, to discuss her book on Ms. Wahl’s television show on June 2nd. They’ll be chatting about Charley Parkhurst, the inspiration behind The Whip, and about the fascinating process of transforming this great summer read into a big screen adaptation.
“I read the entire book in three days… really a great story. I saw the movie all the way through the book…” — Jan Wahl
The film Albert Nobbs recently showed us women of the same timeframe who lived as men in Ireland. Albert is remote and scared even in this courageous choice, but his friend, played brilliantly by Janet McTeer, reminds me a great deal in looks and the gruff-but-kind temperament of our Charley. Charley also has a wit, born of survival skills and intelligence. I would have liked to know Charley, and now I feel I have met her.
The story is one that all strong women will relate to, as well as men who like a rip-roaring yarn of the ol’ West. Based on a true story [it] adds to the fun that keeps giving with Charley’s life, led with guts and grit. This book will attract a top tier actress… I would send it to: Cate Blanchett, Hilary Swank... This story is strong, relevant and exciting. I look forward to continuing my connection to this wonderful and colorful story, setting, and above all, character.
Charley Parkhurst lives!”
If you’re in the Bay Area, remember to tune in to The Jan Wahl Show on KRON, Saturday morning on June 2, 2012. For more information, visit www.janwahl.com.
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