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Come Join Karen Kondazian for a Book Signing at Barnes & Noble




For a Book Signing, Video and Q&A

of her New Historical Novel


inspired by a true story


Red Cliffs Mall, 1720 East red Cliffs Drive

St. George, Utah, 84790


(Also Enjoy Some Refreshments)


Karen’s April Book Radio Tour


Karen will be busy on her Radio Tour in the next few Weeks


Fri, March 30th, 2012 – Winnipeg, Canada

Karen gets interviewed on CJOB-680AM “The Drive”

12:15 pm Mountain (1:15 pm Central).

Airs throughout Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwestern Ontario and so me of the northern states. More information on their website.


Sun, April 1st, 2012 – Woodstock, NY

Karen gets interviewed on WDST-100.1FM “Woodstock Roundtable”

6:00 AM Mountain (8:00 AM Eastern).

Airs north of NYC, from just north of Westchester County to Albany. More information on their website.


Mon, April 2nd, 2012 – Shenandoah, IA

Karen gets interviewed on KMA-960AM & 99.1FM “The Chuck & Don Show”

7:20 am Mountain (8:20 am Central)

Airs in certain parts of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri.More information on their website.


Thur, April 11th, 2012 – Fargo, ND

Karen gets interviewed on Prairie Public Broadcasting (Public Radio) “Hear It Now”

2:00 PM Mountain

Airs statewide and in northwestern Minnesota and eastern Montana. Various Broadcast Frequencies. More information on their website.


‘The Whip’ Hits #1 Spot on Book Soup Best-Seller List

BOOK SOUP, Los Angeles

February 11, 2012


Karen Kondazian joined readers, friends and colleagues at Book Soup in West Hollywood for a fantastic reading and signing of her new book.

The Whip quickly rose to the #1 spot on the paperback fiction best-sellers list at Book Soup as Karen and the story of her main character, Charley Parkhurst charmed the crowd.





1. The Whip  (Karen Kondazian)

2. Shortcut Man: A Novel  (p.g. sturges)

3. Empty The Sun  (Joseph Mattson)

4. What It Was  (George Pelecanos)

5. Los Angeles: Stories  (Ry Cooder)

6. The Lazarus Project  (Aleksandar Hemon)

7. A Visit From The Goon Squad  (Jennifer Egan)

8. Smut: Stories  (Alan Bennett)

9. While Mortals Sleep  (Kurt Vonnegut)

10. Before I Go To Sleep: A Novel  (SJ Watson)


Karen with Book Cover artist Jeff DeCola

Karen signs a book for author Dee Levy

Karen and friend, Director Michael Peretzian

Karen helps play the Banjo with Marquis W. Howell, II


Karen wins Actors Fund Auction and has lunch with author Carol Higgins Clark in NYC

This past November, Karen Kondazian won the Actors Fund Auction prize. The Actors Fund is a national human services organization that helps professionals in the performing arts and entertainment in times of need, crisis or transition.

Karen won a luncheon with NY Times best-selling suspense author, Carol Higgins Clark, daughter of the great NY Times best-selling suspense writer Mary Higgins Clark. The luncheon took place at the iconic Sardi’s Restaurant in NYC, where most opening Broadway shows celebrate while awaiting their reviews.

Photo: Standing: Carol Higgins Clark, Lyle Kessler,

Sitting: Karen Kondazian, Nadine Schramm & Margaret Ladd  on November 17, 2011. 

Lyle Kessler is an American playwright, screenwriter and actor, best known internationally for Orphans, the play he wrote in 1983.

Margaret Ladd is an American actress, best known for playing Emma Channing in Falcon Crest in the 1980’s throughout its nine-year run. She is married to Lyle Kessler.


San Francisco Book Club News Interview


The cafe interview: novelist and actor Karen Kondazian

by Art Kusnetz


The Petaluma River was rising and the rain and wind made the old railroad trestle beneath our window tremble. I was glad we were inside and warm as I sat with actor and author Karen Kondazian. We were talking about her novel The Whip, which chronicles the life of Charley Parkhurst, one of the best “Whips”—stagecoach drivers—that Wells Fargo ever had. Upon his death, a great secret was revealed, he was a she!

As we ordered our café fare, I asked what first drew her to the story of Charley Parkhurst.

“I first discovered Charley in the 1980s. I immediately felt connected to her and her story on a very personal level. I can’t explain it except to say that I felt like a channel, a voice for Charley. Certainly the dialog flew out of me like I was channeling her, but then I really feel that artists are channels. That’s what actors do, that’s what writers, painters and sculptors do. I was the modern voice for Charley. And what I got from Charley’s life is that everything is on loan in our lives— even the people we love. So always remember to say goodbye. The key to the ending came to me during meditation when I realized she didn’t want to die alone.”

Watsonville Book Signing Party & Celebration of Charley Parkhurst a Huge Success


New novel based on stagecoach whip

Author hosts book signing in Watsonville
Published: December 8th, 2011, Register-Pajaronian, Page 3


Author Karen Kondazian launched The Whip, a historical fiction novel about famed stagecoach whip Charley Parkhurst, Wednesday at a book signing in Watsonville. The Whip was inspired by the true story of Charlotte “Charley” Darkey Parkhurst (1812-79), who lived most of her life as a man in California.

Parkhurst became a renowned stagecoach driver for Wells Fargo. She killed a famous outlaw, had a secret love affair, and lived with a housekeeper who, unaware of her true sex, fell in love with her, Kondazian said. It wasn’t until Parkhurst died of cancer in 1879 in Watsonville that it was discovered he was a woman who had maintained a false identity as a man.

At the signing, Kondazian addressed a group of about 40 people and told them that Watsonville was the first book signing she chose because it is key to Parkhurst’s life and death.

DEC 7th – The Whip Book Signing Party and Celebration of Charley Parkhurst


Meet Karen in Watsonville


Come meet Karen Kondazian at her upcoming book signing and Q&A talking about her new novel The Whip at the Watsonville Library on Wednesday, December 7 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. We’re going to have a party for Charley. Come join us for food, music, and fun. If you have time, go visit Charley’s grave at The Pioneer Cemetery nearby.

Check the Watsonville Public Library website for more information and updates.

For additional book signings and event information, return to The Whip Blog often.


Poster for Watsonville Book Signing and Celebration